The classified ads listed below are a complementary service included with the Ray Energy monthly newsletter. Ray Energy holds no interest in the trucks offered for sale. All communications and sales are made directly between the seller and potential buyer. If you have a propane truck you would like included, please contact your regional manager.Propane Trucks For Sale
- Allision Automatic Transmission
- 370HP
- 5,000-gallon tank
- Dual 3"x2" Spray Fill Lines
2024 Freightliner M2-106 Bobtail
- Cummins L-9 360 hp
- Allison automatic transmission
- Loaded interior
Blueline MX Bobtail Maneuverability Model
2023 Peterbilt 520 Propane Tanker
- 507 miles
- Allison 4500 RDS transmission
- Paccar PX-9 engine
- 150,000 miles
- Allison automatic transmission
- LCR II electronic register
Load King Voyager Chevrolet Propane Service Truck
- Aluminum bed/side rails/headache rack
- EHC-6 telescopic service crane
- 6,000 lbs. capacity
- Tri-axis sensor to monitor track level and tilt
- Approximately 186,000 miles
- Allison transmission
- 2,200-gallon tank
- New test data, ready to roll
- $18,000
- 107,765 miles
- New propane-fueled engine
- 3,499-gallon tank
- Hannay aluminum hose reel
- AC, heated mirror
- 317,261 miles
- 3,200-gallon tank
- Hannay reel with Guidemaster
- Aluminum wheels
- Military-grade aluminum construction
- Diamond-plated wrap
- E-track system
- Customizable
- Side-mounted cabinets for additional storage
- Tank cradle
- Wireless controls
- Vapor compress
2007 Freightliner Propane Delivery Truck
- Diesel engine
- 3,000-gallon tank
- LC3 meter system
- 193,000 miles
- Fully serviced and in good running condition
- LED work lights
- Ratchet straps (Turn-in Style 12)
- Maxon 3200-lb. aluminum liftgate
- Allison automatic transmission
- 194,000 miles
- 3400-gallon tank
- Hannay reel
- 150 feet of delivery hose
- 263,000 miles
- CAT C-7 diesel engine
- 3000-gallon tank
- 6-speed manual transmission
2016 International 4400 Bobtail
- 3,000-gallon tank
- 113,200 miles
- Onspot automatic tire chains
- Allison automatic transmission
- 5300-gallon tank
- MOFLO by Arrow high-performance pumping system
- Stainless steel deck, fenders, supports
Exosent Engineering 4,000 BPT Bobtail
- Single axle
- 4,000-gallon tank
Fisk TX-3 Long-Range Propane Crane Truck
NEW: In Search Of
We are looking to buy good used dispensing units in 1000-, 1450- and 1990-gallon sizes.
Will buy complete units, must be in good working condition, but willing to sand blast and paint if they run well.
Contact Dave DeTuccio at Daniels Propane: 860-342-1200
Do you have a propane vehicle for sale? If you'd like it included in this list, contact your regional manager.
Ray Energy holds no interest in the vehicles offered for sale. All communications and sales are made directly between the seller and buyer.